Become a Member
Membership runs from 1 July to 30 June each year. Payment is pro rata.
Individual Membership: $60 (full) - $40 (pensioner/student)
Household membership: $90 (full) - $60 (pensioner/student)
Plot holders pay an additional $60 per year. RCOG Members have access to Garden all year round, participate in RCOG teams and decision-making processes and have free attendance at RCOG workshops.
All members must attend six working bees per annum. Only members can have allotments. New members become eligible to join the waiting list for an allotment after attending three Working Bees, one of our biannual new member induction meetings, and gaining hands-on composting experience in the Garden.
Download our Membership Form and find out more about RCOG members' right and responsibilities.